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45 degree prism

Light Crystal Prism 4.5 inch - £13.80

The Light Crystal Prism will fascinate children by demonstrating the rainbow of colours hidden in natural sunlight. Bevel cut to reflect images into wonderful kaleidoscopic patterns, the Light Crystal Prism will provide hours of imaginative play for your child. More information about the Light Crystal Prism 4.5 inch


Radiometer - £8.99

The vanes in the Crooke’s Radiometer are dark and light on opposite sides. Light striking these vanes leads to unequal forces which cause the radiometer to revolve inside its vacuum globe. The reason for the rotation has been the cause of much scientific debate since its invention by chemist Sir William Crooke in 1873. More information about the Radiometer

Magnetically Levitated Solar Motor

Magnetically Levitated Solar Motor - £275.00

The first thing you notice about this product is the fact that it is levitating, then you notice it is spinning using just the power from the sunlight! Ultra-strong neodymium magnets keep it levitating, while more magnets and a copper coils and solar panels keep it rotating. More information about the Magnetically Levitated Solar Motor

Magnetically Floating Spinning Top

Magnetically Floating Spinning Top - £25.00

This Magnetically Floating Spinning Top uses the principles of gyroscopic physics and maglev technology. The end result is an amazing educational toy that floats in mid-air. More information about the Magnetically Floating Spinning Top