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Around the world by Stirling Engine

Around the world by Stirling Engine front

Around the world by Stirling Engine front     

What is the "Perfect Engine"?
THE STIRLING ENGINE is so clean, efficient, and silent that it is sometimes called the Perfect Engine. So you may be asking, "Where are all the Stirling engines? And what could they do for me?"

In this book you will learn:
  • How Stirling engines work
  • The ways a Stirling engine can provide heat and power to your home
    (so you can write a Dear John letter to your power company!)
  • Why Stirling engines may be the most dangerous thing under the ocean's surface
  • How Stirling engines are keeping the drinks cold and the guests warm on some of the world's richest yachts.

Plus, read an interview with a Cambridge engineering professor who developed a Stirling engine that women are guaranteed to want. Discover how a Mercedes mechanic from Tulsa developed the Chicken Ringer, a Stirling engine that turns his rotisserie. And find the answer to the question, "Why isn't there a Stirling engine in every home in America?"

Price: £12.76 in

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Ideal for ages 8+.
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